Tuesday, June 21, 2011

H-D1™ Bike Builder iPad App

Last week I took some time to go through the H-D1™ bike builder website to give everyone a short overview on how it works. Well that was just in time! This week Harley-Davidson has release their new iPad App and it is available here. This a great way to pass the time on your iPad building your next dream machine!

Arizona’s leading Harley-Davidson Dealership!

Buddy Stubbs Arizona Harley-Davidson
13850 N. Cave Creek Road
Phoenix, AZ 85022
Buddy Stubbs Arizona Harley-Davison

Buddy Stubbs Anthem Harley-Davidson
41715 N. 41st Drive
Anthem, AZ 85086
Buddy Stubbs Anthem Harley-Davison

Monday, June 13, 2011

Step by Step to HD1™ Factory Customization

Hopefully you have already gotten a chance to check out Harley-Davidson's HD1™ factory customization website. If not, I thought I would take a moment to highlight how this really cool option is unique in the world of motorcycles.

This is what you will find when you visit the HD1™ home page. It is chock-full of cool links and images demonstrating what is possible using the factory customization program from Harley-Davidson. Before, you purchased your bike with standard parts and then ended up buying new parts to customize your bike to suit your riding style and desires. Why waste time and money from the beginning purchasing the wrong parts?

Here we are at the bike builder page. You can click to rotate the base model that you would like to construct your personalized bike from. There are many to choose from and once you find the right model you are ready to move on. We are now ready to explore all the different options available!

Once inside the bike builder you really get a feel for all that is possible with this tool. In the example to the right, you can see that I have added custom paint and a few other accessories to my build. Be sure to click on all of the links to the left as well as inside of each category to see the different option pages that you have to choose from. For instance, under style, I not only have wheels but I can also adjusted the front and rear end components as well as the color, engine trim and gauges.

Once you have made all of your enhancements be sure to click bike details to pull up the following screen. Here you can do many different things like save the bike for future use, schedule a test ride, or print a mock up out of the bike to bring to the dealership so we can help you order your custom creation!

However you decide to use the HD1™ bike builder application be sure to have fun and do not hesitate to contact us if you need any help. From riding gear to parts and service Buddy Stubbs Harley-Davidson has everything that you need.

Arizona’s leading Harley-Davidson Dealership!

Buddy Stubbs Arizona Harley-Davidson
13850 N. Cave Creek Road
Phoenix, AZ 85022
Buddy Stubbs Arizona Harley-Davison

Buddy Stubbs Anthem Harley-Davidson
41715 N. 41st Drive
Anthem, AZ 85086
Buddy Stubbs Anthem Harley-Davison